Rabbi Avigdor Neventzal of Jerusalem's Old City told a gathering of West Bank settlers on Tuesday: "I am a Torah authority, and it is my role to rule according to my understanding.
"According to Jewish law, anyone who turns over territories that are part of the Land of Israel to non-Jews is subject to Din Rodef (Jew killing Jew), but I hope none of my students carries out an act of this sort," he was quoted by Israeli army radio as saying.
Mr Netanyahu said the remarks incited violence. [He's one to talk]
"This is something that must not be done - we are a law-abiding country and if we make difficult choices from a national standpoint, we accept them in a democratic and law-abiding manner," he told public radio. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3853987.stm
Sounds like Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum who said Jews died in the Holocaust because they were sinners:
More on that...
Is God a mass murderer?
Rejecting the Haredi theodicy.
In light of recent discussion on a number of forums, some readers might regrettably have come to view Orthodox Judaism as a savage religion, one that claims God is a mass-murderer and that views Adolph Hitler as literally doing the work of God in punishing the Jews.
In sadness, one must admit that to a small degree, that view has some validity. Indeed, there are a number of small ultra-Orthodox sects which do have such hate-ridden theologies.
People with such views post on many e-mail forums and bulliten boards; depending on which one of their tracts you read, you will find that they claim that the millions of Jews of Europe deserved to die because:
(a) they supported building a Jewish state in Israel...
(b) Reform Judaism developed and was allowed to exist...
(bc) Reform and Conservative Judaism developed and were allowed to exist...
(c) Jews were not careful to observe the rules pertaining to mezuzot and other ritual acts, etc...
In all of these cases, some people conclude that all the Jews of Europe really were terrible sinners that deserved to die, and thus the Nazis did the work of God.
Posted by bushmeister0
at 3:30 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 30 June 2004 3:33 PM EDT