But don't worry, there were more civilians killed on 9-11, which unfortunatly had nothing to do with Iraq.
Doesn't make sense? Rummy will explain...
From Yahoo news:
In Washington, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said, that U.S. forces are soon "likely to suffer the 1,000th casualty at the hands of terrorists and extremists in Iraq."
He said that "combined with U.S. losses in other theaters in the global war on terror we have lost well more than 1,000 already" and said the "civilized world" passed that mark long ago, pointing to the Sept. 11 attacks and terror attacks elsewhere.
The past two days have been particularly bloody for U.S. forces in Iraq, with 13 killed, including seven Marines slain by a suicide bombing north of Fallujah. A group linked to Jordanian-born militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi claimed responsibility for the attack in a Web statement Tuesday...
The countdown begins:
Besides the American killed in the Sadr City fighting, the five other U.S. deaths since midday Monday reported by the military included:
_ A soldier from the Army's 13th Corps Support Command was killed in a roadside bomb attack near Qayarrah, just north of Baghdad, at noon Monday.
_ A second soldier from the 13th Corps Support Command was killed by a roadside bomb late Monday.
_ A soldier with Task Force Baghdad died Monday from wounds sustained during an unspecified attack in Baghdad.
_ Another Task Force Baghdad soldier died early Tuesday from wounds sustained from a roadside bombing against his convoy a day earlier in Baghdad.
_ One soldier from the 89th Military Police Brigade was killed by small arms fire Tuesday in west Baghdad.
Posted by bushmeister0
at 4:06 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 9 September 2004 12:12 PM EDT