According to an article in the Post about Bush's visit to "Bank One Park" in Nevada after the debate, a rabid Bushite was not happy with John McCain being there to campaign with the great warrior president:
"Sit down, you Kerry-loving traitor," a man standing behind the third-base dugout yell(ed). [That's respect for a real war hero.]
(A) bumper sticker slapped across the heckler's Bush-Cheney T-shirt says "4 out of 5 dictators support John Kerry (phone service not available in Saddam's hole)."
[Oh, that's rich! We'll just forget about Moammar Kadhafi and the Saudi royal family and Perves Mushariff and about dozen other dictators sitting on vast oil reserves.]
Bush also reinterated that John Kerry can run but he can't hide, from his record. [I guess Osama can run and he has hidden.]
"Bush sometimes punctuates his sentences with quick cackles, even when he hasn't said anything funny. He did this more than usual Thursday, giggling, for instance, upon mention that Nevada has a 4 percent unemployment rate.
"I'm proud of my record, heh heh heh," he says. "But my opponent seemed to want to avoid talking about his, heh heh heh heh.""
[Oh really...]
Deficit at new record.
The federal government reached its $7.4 trillion debt ceiling yesterday, forcing Treasury Secretary John W. Snow to delay contributing to one of the federal employees' pension systems to avoid running out of cash and possibly defaulting on government debt.
Treasury has on five occasions delayed pension fund payments as it approached its limit on borrowing. Three of those incidents came under President Bush -- in 2002, 2003 and yesterday -- as Republicans in Congress have become leery of voting to raise the debt limit. The others were during the rapidly spiraling deficits of 1985 and the budget showdown between the new Republican Congress and President Bill Clinton in 1995.
When Bush came to office, the debt ceiling was $5.95 trillion and had last been raised in 1997.
"Following the presidential debate, where more attention was given to the candidates' wives than to the budget deficit . . . it is hard to see where the leadership to put the country back on the path of fiscal responsibility will come from," said Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.
[That bastard Kerry. He hates lesbians! How about that anti-gay marriage amendment? Spread the love Dick!]
Posted by bushmeister0
at 4:39 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 25 October 2004 6:44 PM EDT