The media is falling over itself to figure out what the hell Bush meant in his inaugural speech.
"All who live in tyranny and hopelessness can know the United States will not ignore your oppression or excuse your oppressors. When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you."
Does he really mean it? Are we going into the world building biz? This from a president who accused Clinton of too much nation building?
The truth is, this is all about laying the groundwork for attacking Iran. They're tyrants right? Somehow we'll find some Iranians somewhere who are hell bent on us bombing the crap out of them.
Remember the tearjerking congressional testimony of the Kuwaiti girl relating the baby being taken out of the incubators story, which was totally bogus? The girl who later turned out to be the daughter of a Kuwaiti diplomat?
The Shah's son lives in Potomic, a very snooty rich part of DC, and he's got a lot of money to throw around. Maybe, we set him up after we "liberate" the Iranians.
If we don't do it Israel will!!!!
While everyone was scratchig their heads over Bush's new plan for world freedom Cheney was scaring everyone. (As usual.)
According to the Jerusalem Post:
"If the Israelis became convinced the Iranians had significant nuclear capability, given the fact that Iran has a stated policy that their objective is the destruction of Israel, the Israelis might well decide to act first, and let the rest of the world worry about cleaning up the diplomatic mess afterwards," Cheney said.
Senior Israeli officials said Cheney's comment was more a warning to the Europeans and the international community that they have to take a more concerted action to keep Iran from becoming a nuclear power, than a warning to Israel not to act."
In other words, blackmailing the world with Israel's nukes again.
"One official, who said that Cheney "never misspeaks," said it was telling that the first part of Cheney's statement gave a justification for Israeli action, since he said that Iran's has as a stated objective the elimination of Israel.
"The point of his comments is that he is telling the world that unless they act, there is no telling what Israel would do. And then who knows what the consequence may be," the official said. "His point is that the world should act now, rather than have to deal with a much more difficult situation later."
Of course, it's all about Israel.
Condi Rice also weighed in on the Iranian situation as relates to Israel in her testimony to the senate foreign relations commitee. She told Senator Chefee:
"It's really hard to find common ground with a government that thinks Israel should be extinguished.
It's difficult to find common ground with a government that is supporting Hezbollah and terrorist organizations that are determined to undermine the Middle East peace that we seek."
I should think Ariel Sharon was more of an inpedimrnt, but what do I know? She's going to be the new Secretary of State, right? And she's so well qualified.
She's a good liar anyway.
She went on...
"...a theocratic government that has a view that the mullahs ought to rule, that has no rights -- or has a human rights record that is really appalling and that treats its citizens, its women in that way, is not a regime with which I think we have very much common ground, particularly given the way that we would like to see the Middle East develop."
Was she taling about Iran or Saudi Arabia?
According to the NY Times:
"In a rare public display, the Saudi government announced on Tuesday that a religious court had sentenced 15 demonstrators, including one woman, to public lashings and prison terms for taking part in demonstrations against the government..."
We don't have any problems finding common ground with 14th century mullahs who have lots of oil.
Neocons gone wild.
The point of this whole thing, which the media is missing out on, is that the neocons have totally taken over the White House. Cheney and Rummy are firmly in control.
They have seen no downside to their egregious mistakes so far, in fact they've gotten medals, so they are on to their next disaster.
Anyone who thinks they've learned their lesson in Iraq is dreaming.
Iraq is a great success! They're moving on.
Read the "March of Folly" by Barbara Tuchman!
Cassandra is at Gitmo!
Posted by bushmeister0
at 4:46 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 28 January 2005 3:56 PM EST